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Benefits of Testosterone for Aging Men | What are the benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Aging Men?

  • By Testosterone-MD
  • 12 Aug, 2019

How Testosterone Therapy can Benefit Older Men

Benefits of Testosterone for Aging Men

How Testosterone Therapy can Benefit Older Men

Aging Men Show Signs of Androgen Deficiency that can be Treated with Male Hormone Replacement Therapy. Discover the potential health benefits of Testosterone Therapy for aging men.

Testosterone Therapy has potential medical benefits and risks as men age. The before and after effects of using testosterone are significant in men suffering from Andropause or low levels of the androgen hormone.

If you are an older man considering testosterone therapy, know that it can help you look younger, feel younger, boost sex drive and help you lead a more vigorous life as you age. However, TRT Testosterone Replacement is not for everyone and you must know the side effects and potential health risks before you make your decision to use Testosterone.

Testosterone Therapy or Low T Treatment has a lot of misconceptions about what the therapy can do for aging and middle age men. As men get older and androgen levels fall, sex drive, lean muscle, bone strength, energy and vitality decline and testosterone therapy seems to be a genuine anti-aging prescription for renewed life. The health benefits of testosterone therapy for male age-related declines in androgen levels are clear for men facing health issues caused by aging.

What is the Testosterone Hormone?

The Male Sex Hormone is Responsible for Male Characteristics

The influence of testosterone is all-encompassing and essential in a man's life. Testosterone is a hormone produced primarily in the testicles. Proper Testosterone levels help maintain men's:

  • Sex Drive
  • Bone strength and density
  • Proper Fat distribution
  • Muscle strength and lean muscle mass
  • Face and body hair and skin texture
  • Red blood cell production
  • Fertility and sperm production

What happens to Natural Testosterone Levels when Men Age?

Androgen Levels in Men Decline Steadily as they get Older

Testosterone levels generally peak during adolescence and early adulthood. As you get older, your testosterone level gradually declines, typically about 1 percent a year after age 30 or 40. It is important to determine in older men if a low testosterone level is simply due to the decline of normal aging (Andropause, the male menopause), or if it is due to a disease (hypogonadism).

Andropause or Hypogonadism is an endocrine or urological disease in which the body is unable to produce normal amounts of testosterone due to a problem with the testicles or with the pituitary gland that controls the testicles. Testosterone replacement therapy can improve the signs and symptoms of low testosterone in these men. Doctors may prescribe testosterone as injections, pellets, patches or gels. The types of hypogonadism are Primary and Secondary depending upon the source of the androgen decline, pituitary failure or dysfunction and testicular dysfunction. Many times both of these can also be a cause of impotence or Erectile Dysfunction in men. In cases of ED a variety of medications known as prostaglandins and vasodilators may be used together with testosterone hormone medication to alleviate symptoms of ED - Treat Erectile Dysfunction in Men

Do Declining Testosterone Levels cause the signs and symptoms of aging?

Many Anti-Aging Medicine Doctors and Male HRT Specialists believe man age because hormones like testosterone, DHEA and Human Growth Hormone Decline. Middle aged men experience many signs and symptoms as they age including hot flashes, night sweats, rapid weight gain, muscle loss, and loss of sexual ability and desire. Some negative age-related changes in men that can occur as a result of lower than normal testosterone levels and may include: Changes in sexual function. This may include reduced sexual desire, weak or infrequent erections, fewer morning or spontaneous erections during sleep, and infertility. Sleep disturbance and changes in sleep patterns. Sometimes low testosterone causes insomnia or other sleep pattern disturbances.

Clear Physical Changes due to Androgen Deficiency in Middle Aged Men. Physical changes that become apparent as androgen levels decline include increased body fat, reduced muscle bulk and strength known as catabolic effects, and decreased bone density. Swollen or tender breasts (gynecomastia), elevated PSA levels and body hair loss are also common. You may have less energy than you used to. Emotional changes. Low testosterone may contribute to a decrease in motivation or self-confidence. You may feel sad or depressed, or have trouble concentrating or remembering things. Some of these signs and symptoms can be caused by various underlying factors, including medication side effects of testosterone, obstructive sleep apnea, thyroid problems, diabetes and depression. It's also possible that these conditions may be the cause of low testosterone levels, and treatment of these problems may cause testosterone levels to rise. 

A Testosterone Blood Test is the only way to diagnose a man's low testosterone level - find out more about Testosterone Lab Test. A lab test for testosterone will measure the serum concentrations of total testosterone, free testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, estradiol, and (SHBG) sex hormone–binding globulin which reduces bio-available or free testosterone, were measured in a man's blood serum.

Testosterone Effects Before and After Treatment

Before and After Testosterone Treatment. Naturally produced or endogenous Testosterone concentrations in men decrease with increasing age. Many symptoms and health conditions similar to those that are caused by low testosterone levels in men with pituitary or testicular dysfunction become common after the age of 40, and even more common with increasing age, especially after the age of 50. Such low T symptoms include decreases in sexual function, desire and frequency, mood swings, weight gain, oteoporosis, loss of energy, and mobility. These age-related hormonal symptoms strongly suggest that the lower testosterone levels in older men may contribute to these health conditions and require androgen replacement to alleviate or reverse symptoms. To gain effective before and after testosterone treatment results, Post Cycle Therapy or PCT is an important component of TRT.

After a treatment cycle with testosterone or if a steroid hormone cycle is ending, auxiliary hormone medications and compounds may need to be prescribed to maintain steady androgen levels, prevent testicular atrophy and keep muscle and loss from returning. HCG Injections (Human Chorionic Gonaditropin) anti-estrogens and estrogen blocking modulators assist in helping keep your natural testosterone production functioning. Testosterone before and after results.

Is it Low T or Low HGH (Testosterone Therapy vs HGH Therapy)

Human Growth Hormone works with Testosterone to maintain Men's Hormone and Sexual health.

Sometimes, men feel exhausted all the time and stressed at work leaving them extremely fatigued. In addition to low androgen levels, a deficiency in Human Growth Hormone can also lead to very low energy levels, low libido, weight gain and flabby muscles. It is important to balance testosterone along with HGH, estrogen and cortisol levels to ensure treatment is comprehensive to restore optimal health. Read more about how Human Growth Hormone plays a role in hormone health - Human Growth Hormone Therapy.

Is it Low T or a Low HGH (Growth Hormone) Condition

Symptoms of Low T sometimes mimic those of Growth Hormone Deficiency (AGHD) and the difference can be subtle. Some men may need both testosterone replacement and HGH therapy. For example, middle-aged men with low androgen levels, especially over the age of 40, feel very lethargic and gain weight very quickly. With growth hormone conditions in men, getting up in the morning is very difficult and it can take hours to begin to feel awake. Falling asleep during work or at a meal is very common with both low testosterone and low human growth hormone levels. Low energy and "couch potato syndrome" not wanting to engage in physical activity are very common symptoms of Low Testosterone Hormone levels. The medication prescribed for HGH deficiency symptoms is different than for that for Andropause symptoms. For this reason, a complete hormone panel is usually recommended to see which hormones may be deficient and tailor an individualized Age Management Program for men with hormonal imbalance and particularly for men over the age of 50 with low T levels.

Low Testosterone Levels in Older Men due to Andropause - Male Menopause is a treatable and reversible male health condition. You needn't let Low T impact your self-esteem, your work life or your romantic relationships. You don't need to suffer, Male Hormone Replacement Therapy using bio-identical testosterone can help. Harvard Medical Studies have shown that testosterone-replacement therapy may offer a wide range of benefits for men with hypogonadism, including improved libido, mood, cognition, muscle mass, bone density, and red blood cell production. If you are among the millions of men experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, get tested and treated today.

Low T and Severe Erectile Dysfunction

Many middle-aged men with low testosterone levels have Severe ED Symptoms that require a combination of highly effective ED Treatments to boost androgen levels and simultaneously increase blood flow to the penis. Read more about ED Treatment Solutions for men with severe Erectile Dysfunction symptoms. Among the new, advanced ED Treatments are the P-Shot, Trimix Penile Injections for ED, Shockwave ED Therapy (Acoustic Wave Erectile Treatment), and the P-Shot for ED. Read more about TriMix for Sale Online.

Is Andropause the same as Menopause?

Andropause in Men is different from the menopause that women experience. In menopause, the production of female hormones drops suddenly and related symptoms can appear suddenly including hot flashes, loss of libido and rapid weight gain. In men, there is a more gradual decline in the male sex hormone levels and so Andropausal symptoms, as well as those of ED or erectile dysfunction, also appear more gradually. Men with low testosterone levels are not always aware that hormonal imbalance is affecting their health. Women also produce testosterone, although in much smaller quantities than men. During menopause low testosterone levels can cause female sexual dysfunction and women may also benefit from testosterone therapy. Read more about Testosterone Therapy for Women.

Testosterone Medical Studies Confirming Benefits

Medical Center Studies of Testosterone Before and After Treatment Results. A year's worth of testosterone treatment in older men may help improve sexual function, mood, depressive symptoms, mobility and possibly walking distance. Anti-Aging Medicine Physicians have suggested that hormone replacement using natural testosterone seems to improve drive, vigor and vitality in aging men even in men over 60 to 70 years of age.

New medical testosterone findings demonstrated positive treatments effects from placebo-controlled, multicenter Testosterone Trials measuring Sexual Function, Physical Function and Vitality. These clinical trials were conducted to assess whether testosterone benefits older men who have low testosterone levels due to age-related decline. The trials goal was to establish a clear benefit of taking testosterone before assessing long-term risks. The Testosterone Trials involving testosterone anabolic-androgenic steroid therapy were supported by a grant from the National Institute on Aging, with additional funding from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, and National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and AbbVie, the maker of Androgel® Topical Testosterone gel. Actavis Watson Laboratories, makers of Cypionate Testosterone injections, Merck, Amgen and Eli Lilly, the makers of Axiron Topical Gel also granted support for the androgen health trials.

What types of Testosterone can I buy?

Testosterone for Older Men comes in 4 main type of esters or long-acting steroid injectables - Cypionate, Depo-Testosterone, Propionate, Undecanoate, Enanthate Injections. Below are the types of testosterone you can buy in the USA.

Pharmacy Times Testosterone Review

While Health Benefits of TRT are shown for Aging Men, Caution has been advised for Men with Prostate Health Conditions

In an article published in Feb, 2015, Testosterone May Prove an Unlikely Ally in Fight Against Prostate Cancer. Although testosterone is often considered to be a catalyst of prostate cancer, a recent study suggests that the hormone may be able to subdue advanced prostate cancer and break down resistance to testosterone-blocking drugs used to treat the disease.

The study, published on January 7, 2015, in Science Translational Medicine, examined 16 men with metastatic prostate cancer who had been receiving testosterone-lowering treatment to which their cancers were growing resistant. The men were given three 28-day cycles of an intramuscular testosterone injection and 2 weeks of etoposide, a chemotherapy drug. Of the 14 men who completed the trial, 7 were found to have a 30% to 99% reduction in their prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels, which indicated that their cancers were stabilizing or becoming less severe. Four of those 7 men remained on testosterone therapy for 12 to 24 months, during which they continued to experience reduced PSA levels. In addition, of the 10 men whose metastatic cancers were measured with imaging scans, 5 experienced a reduction in tumor size greater than 50%, with 1 man's cancer disappearing entirely. While the study's authors find these results promising, they note that further research is needed to support their theory that testosterone therapy can reverse prostate cancer treatment resistance.

Importantly, The FDA continues to warn men with certain health problems such as prostate and coronary disease about the risks of using androgen products including testosterone steroids.

Testosterone Safety

With these androgen therapy trials and clinical studies in mind, Testosterone Replacement is not for everyone and the same is true of Human growth Hormone Replacement Therapy. The FDA has an important warning for men with coronary disease or a history of cardiovascular disease, prostate problems, or cancer. Always consult with a licensed medical professional before taking any hormone product, including bio-identical hormones such as testosterone, HCG, or genuine injectable Human Growth Hormone (Somatropin).

The Urology and Endocrine physicians at Testosterone Therapy Clinics are Mayo-Clinic® and Cenegenics® trained nationally recognized experts in the field of hormone replacement therapy. If you think you may be suffering from low Testosterone or Human Growth Hormone levels, schedule an appointment to have a complete and thorough analysis of your health. Once completed we will decide together with you which type of treatment is right for you.

Testosterone Rejuvenation: Rejuvenate yourself and your health. Restore your sex drive and desire, lose weight and increase your energy, mental alertness, strength and stamina. Testosterone Therapy for Older Men from the Testosterone Therapy Center including Androgen Deficiency Treatment Therapy, Androgel Androgen Gels, Testosterone Creams, HCG Injections, Injectable HGH, Human Growth Hormone, Sermorelin HGH Injections, ED Therapy for Impotence, Urology and Endocrine Treatments for Aging Men, Men's Clinics, Age Management Medicine, Anti-Aging Therapy Doctors and Longevity Treatment Clinic Centers.

Aging Men's Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) including Testosterone Gels, Injections and Creams for Low T Levels, HCG and HGH Injections with Bio-Identical Growth Hormones. Testosterone Therapy Center Doctors are Endocrine, Urology, Age Management, Longevity Treatment, Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medical Specialists . Contact Testosterone Therapy Clinics at (877) 736-7761 to find out if you are a candidate for testosterone replacement therapy, ED Therapy, and other hormone enhancing treatments.

Learn more about HGH Therapy for Men.

Find HGH Injection Pens for Sale Online.

Learn more about Male Hormone Replacement Therapy.

How much does Testosterone Cost and where to get it?

Where to Buy Testosterone Hormone Medication at the Best Price.

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What is the cost of TriMix ED medications? How much do TriMix injections cost?  This erectile drug medication improves blood to flow into the penis, creating a firm erection. Pills for ED cost roughly $25 to $50 per dose. Depending on the compounding pharmacy you buy TriMix from and your ED drug prescription, your TriMix cost could be as little as $3 to $6 a dose. Penile injections drugs are usually less expensive than ED pills or male enhancement tablets. It is important to have your urologist provide directions  on TriMix injection procedures and not to exceed the prescribed dosage per ED shot. Where can I buy TriMix online at the lowest cost?
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