Testosterone Nationwide

Order Testosterone Online is the leading supplier for prescription Testosterone and HGH Injections using REAL TESTOSTERONE and REAL GROWTH HORMONE, not herbal Testosterone boosters or HGH Boosters!

With your physician's prescription for testosterone you will be able to order FDA approved high-quality Testosterone Medications for hormone replacement therapy at the lowest possible price.
After blood testing, a physical examination, review of your medical history and a medical evaluation, an experienced testosterone doctor can make an informed diagnoses and formulate a customized TRT program for you.


Buy Testosterones Online

Synthetic testosterone was synthesized in 1935 and is manufactured by FDA-approved producers for sale in the United States. The most popular brand name testosterones are Pfizer Depo-Testosterone, Actavis Cypionate Testosterone, Watson Cypionate Testosterone, West-Ward Testosterone Injections, Aveed Testosterone Injections, AndroGel, Fortesta, Testim, Axiron, Androderm, Endo Pharma Delatestryl, Hikma Farmacia Testosterone Injections, Perrigo Testosterone.

Testosterone Drug Profile:

Chemical name: 17b-hydroxy-4-androsten-3-one
Formula (base): C19H28O2
Formula, Esters

  • Cypionate: C8H14O2
  • Enanthate: C7H12O
  • Propionate: C3H6O2
  • Phenylpropionate: C9H10O2

Molecular weight (base): 288.43

Molecular Weight, esters

Testosterone Ester Types

  • Cypionate: 132.1184
  • Enanthate: 130.1864
  • Propionate: 74.0792
  • Phenylpropionate: 132.1592

Anabolic Activity Level of Testosterone

Anabolic activity index: 100 %

Androgenic activity index: 100 %

Aromatization (Conversion to Estrogen by way of Aromatase Enzyme): Yes

Hepatoxity: No

Routes of administration: IM Intramuscular injection, topical transdermal, oral

Effective drug dosage
: Men 250-1200 mg/week

Testosterone Active half-life: Base – 2 hours;

Propionate ester – 1-1.5 days;

Phenylpropionate  ester – 2-3 days

Enanthate ester – 5-7 days

Cypionate ester – 7-8 days

Detection time: depends on the ester which can be up to 5 month for long esters

Testosterone Benefits:

Firm erections;

Normal sex drive;

Increase in recovery abilities;

Increase in muscle mass;

Strong anti-catabolic properties;

Increase in the amount of red blood cells;

Positive effect on nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism;

Improves mood and well-being.

Testosterone side effects:

Aromatization and edem, water retention;

Alopecia, hair loss, balding;

Acne and oily skin;

High blood pressure;

Virilization in women;

Suppression of HPTA causes a decrease of endogenous androgen hormone, testicular atrophy, etc. HCG Injections Therapy can help increase low T levels.

Testosterone - Drug Description

Testosterone is the primary male sexual hormone,  it directly affects testicles, sperm and prostate development. It has a direct impact on building muscle, bone density and body strength. Moreover, the testosterone steroid is responsible for dozens of functions and maintenance in the human body.

Testosterone is the male sex hormone responsible for sex drive and a healthy libido.  Men need sufficient testosterone for good health, sense of well-being, motivation, drive, energy, smooth skin and healthy hair, healing and immune system, preventing Osteoporosis and loss of bone density, and help provide protection against cardiovascular disease in otherwise healthy men.

Maintaining higher free testosterone hormone levels in elderly men has been shown to improve many male health factors that are thought to reduce cardiovascular disease risk, such as increased lean body muscle mass, decreased adipose body fat, decreased bad cholesterol, and glycemic control.

Testosterone determines not only gender differences, but, for example, regulates the population of thromboxane A2 receptors on megakaryocytes and platelets and platelet aggregation in humans helping to ensure healthy red blood cell and vascular health.

Testosterone is responsible for male behavior, mood, intimacy in romantic relationships, and together with HGH Human Growth Hormone, helps a man get and keep a firmer erection for longer during sex.

Testosterone medical studies report that attention, memory, and spatial ability are key cognitive functions affected by hormone in humans. Preliminary evidence suggests that low hormone levels may be a risk factor for cognitive decline and possibly for dementia of the Alzheimer's type, a key argument in life extension medicine for the use of hoemone in anti-aging therapies.

All steroid forms of testosterone are the basically the same: an active ingredient testosterone steroid hormone + ester attached, which determines release time and duration of the compounds active life.  Long esters release the active ingredient into the blood more slowly providing a more stable androgen hormone level for a long time without creating large peaks. 

Due to this property, there is no need to administer injections as often. Short esters release the active androgen hormone more rapidly, creating higher peaks in bloodstream, but because their active half-life is considerably shorter, more frequent injections are required.

Esters, as well as the active androgen steroid hormone, have their own molecular weight. Short life esters are less then the long ones, so each milligram of steroid with a short compound contains more active androgen steroid than the longer ones. 

Testosterone Half-Lives

100 mg testosterone propionate = 83.72 mg of testosterone + 16.28 mg of propionate. Half-life – 1.5 days.

100 mg testosterone phenylpropionate = 68.57 mg of testosterone + 31.43 mg phenylpropionate. Half-life - 2 days.

100 mg testosterone enanthate = 71.99 mg of testosterone + 28.01 mg enanthate. Half-life – 5-7 days.

100 mg testosterone cypionate = 69.9 mg of testosterone + 30.1 mg cypionate. Half-life - 7-8 days.

Testosterone Drugs Available for Treatment

Currently the most widely used forms of medication are the following: suspension (pure watr-based testosterone injectable), propionate, phenyplpropionate, enanthate, cypionate, decanoate, undecanoate, combination testosterones (omnadren, sustanon), testosterone blends, triblend.

Each androgen hormone ester acts in its own way depending on its active life. Testosterone propionate has the shortest active life, so if you are just starting testosterone treatment it is recommend you speak to your doctor about the advantages of each testosterone treatment option.  Many men buy testosterone propionate or phenylpropionate, because of the short active life, potential side effects tend to disappear more quickly. Longer-lasting steroid compounds such as enanthate, cypionate and undecanoate can mean any side effects can last longer in the system. If you inject Test-E  or Test-C, any possible side effects these testosterone cause, will last for as long as the ester is still active in your bloodstream.

Testosterone Dosing

Test-P injections are taken daily or every other day. Testosterone steroid therapy cycle normally last 6-12 weeks. Testosterone enanthate and cypionate treatment cycles usually run from 10-12 weeks. Undecanoate therapy cycles can be longer with an initial injection, and 3 to 5 month intervals for follow up injections.

On shorter testosterone cycles using a longer-lasting ester schedule would not allow the androgen therapy to achieve its full potential. For this reason a propionate testosterone cycle requires daily or avery other day injection schedule.

For enanthate and cypionate an injection every 5-7 days is enough for successful treatment. However, some patients prefer more frequent injections in order to provide for more even and steady hormone level in the bloodstream, and to avoid dramatic fluctuations in their androgen levels. In some men, Testosterone replacement can have a "rise and crash effect", as their androgen levels come back down.

The testosterone steroid aromatizes very easily to estradiol, and if anti-estrogens and estrogen blockers are not used, can result in significant aromatization. Regardless of the testosterone therapy protocol you select, it is important to keep your estradiol (estrogen) under control by taking aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex or anastrozole to avoid estrogen dominance and resulting symptoms such as gynecomastia. Antiestrogens (SERMs) may also be prescribed although in some cases they can reduce the treatment cycle's efficiency.

For Male Hormone Replacement Therapy, real prescription testosterone is considered to be the main medicine prescribed. Most other anabolic steroids are actually derivatives from the male sex hormone, testosterone.  Many times, anabolic steroids and HGH are abused by athletes and bodybuilders for their ability to increase muscle mass and strength causing unwanted side effects and health problems.  Proper medical use of testosterone in a medically-supervised Low T Treatment program, uses low dose therapy to increase low androgen levels back up to normal, healthy levels. As a naturally occurring anabolic hormone, testosterone is one of the most popular anabolic steroids used for Men's Hormone Therapy, ED Erectile Dysfunction Treatment when Low T is the cause of sexual dysfunction.

Testosterone Use Side Effects

Anabolic steroids suppress the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis (HPTA) and thereby reduce the production of endogenous testosterone hormone production. Drug injections such as HCG, Human Chorionic Gonaditropin, along with other auxiliary medications support and stimulate androgen  hormone secretion helping prevent many negative side effects of testosterone use.  Stacking the testosterone hormone with other low or lost hormones such as HGH,  provides a synergistic effect providing greater treatment results. Read more about using HGH with Testosterone.

Post Cycle Therapy

Since steroid testosterone injections inhibit HPTA, it is important to carry out post-cycle therapy (PCT) which helps prevent testicular shrinkage and promotes the fastest HPTA recovery.  Using HCG during an androgen treatment cycle helps maintain a man's natural endogenous hormone production. Besides HCG, components of PCT include anti-estrogens such as clomiphene (Clomid), toremifene, tamoxifen (Nolvadex).

Buy Testosterone and Human Growth Hormone legally and safely.

Online, there are many anabolic steroid webstores that sell testosterone, HGH and steroids online without prescription. In the United States, you must have a valid doctor's prescription to buy Testosterone and Human Growth Hormone. If you have a prescription and need to buy your hormone medications a the best price from a licensed medical facility and US-based pharmacy the right way, then contact a testosterone specialist who can advise you. 


Buy Testosterone and HGH Online with Credit Card

With your physician's prescription for testosterone you will be able to order FDA approved high-quality Testosterone Medications at the lowest possible price.
After blood testing, a physical examination, careful review of your medical history and a medical evaluation, an experienced testosterone doctor can make an informed diagnoses and formulate a customized TRT program for you.

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